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443 872 objets vendus
8 547 abonnés

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Qui sommes-nous ?

Nous achetons ! BD américains et britanniques, JCC, souverains d'or/bullions, médailles de guerre britanniques, diamants et bijoux, bande dessinée originale, cartes à collectionner, Dinky, Corgi, jouets en boîte avant 1980, antiquités, machines d'arcade, Rolex, horloges grand-père, poterie Moorcroft, verre Lazlo, huiles originales, stock en faillite
Lieu : Royaume-UniMembre depuis : 24 juin 1998Vendeur : silver-acre
Vendeur Top FiabilitéSilver-acre est un des vendeurs les plus réputés d'eBay. Offre systématiquement un service clients exceptionnel. En savoir plus

Informations sur la société

Nom de la société : Silver Acre ComicsPrénom : DarrylNom : JonesAdresse : Deva House, River Lane, CH4 8RH Saltney, Chester, Royaume-UniNuméro de téléphone : 01244680048Numéro de fax : 01244 680686E-mail : sales@silveracre.comNuméro de TVA : GB 659600125Informations supplémentaires : Website;

Évaluations détaillées du vendeur

Moyenne pour les 12 derniers mois

Description exacte
Frais de livraison raisonnables
Livraison rapide

Évaluations en tant que vendeur (255 618)

n***n (4)- Évaluations laissées par l'acheteur.
Dernier mois
Achat vérifié
He is a very great seller, prices are very accurate and the conditions of my product was ridiculously postive in all forms, item arrived earlier than it said on its (Estimated arrival). Really well packaged and great communication with a (Thank you) letter from the seller. I highly recommend from buying him again.
-***- (38)- Évaluations laissées par l'acheteur.
6 derniers mois
Achat vérifié
My item has arrived in perfect condition, well-packaged with a leaflet of courtesy. I was mislead by the tracking information, which stated that the latter hadn't been dispatched even after several days upon payment. I was a bit anxious, wrote a short email to see what was happening. I knew the seller was busy so didn't expect a swift answer, but to my pleasant surprise my purchase had been delivered on time and I blamed myself for being pushy. Highly recommend this trader as trustworthy!
s***e (307)- Évaluations laissées par l'acheteur.
6 derniers mois
Achat vérifié
You often have to worry when buying CGC's because some sellers dont bother with enough packaging to ensure it arrives in one piece . Ive had several arrive damaged and had to claim for refunds - Bur Silver-acre got everything spot on. It was surely wrapped , it was in the condition as advertised and their service was superb , so good in fact that ive just bought two more CGC's from them. Thanks again - top seller ! five star service /
o***r (314)- Évaluations laissées par l'acheteur.
6 derniers mois
Achat vérifié
Speedy delivery in secure and safe packaging of a quality item that matched the seller's description. Very pleased with the smooth and easy transaction. Also, they have a maximum postage charge and my order far exceeded that saving me money so another big plus for Silveracre. I recommend this seller to anyone and everyone.
o***r (314)- Évaluations laissées par l'acheteur.
6 derniers mois
Achat vérifié
Speedy delivery in secure and safe packaging of a quality item that matched the seller's description. Very pleased with the smooth and easy transaction. Also, they have a maximum postage charge and my order far exceeded that saving me money so another big plus for Silveracre. I recommend this seller to anyone and everyone.
o***r (314)- Évaluations laissées par l'acheteur.
6 derniers mois
Achat vérifié
Speedy delivery in secure and safe packaging of a quality item that matched the seller's description. Very pleased with the smooth and easy transaction. Also, they have a maximum postage charge and my order far exceeded that saving me money so another big plus for Silveracre. I recommend this seller to anyone and everyone.

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